About All Or Nothing: The Frank Sinatra Tribute Show


Hi, I’m Rich B. and I perform All Or Nothing: The Frank Sinatra Tribute. My show is an hour and ten minutes of the best Frank Sinatra songs available.

The songs are sung using karaoke equipment, but not karaoke background music.

The background music is the actual arrangements Frank Sinatra used in concert from the 60’s to the 80’s and 90’s. The songs used are mostly his live versions as they add more authenticity and enthusiasm to the music.

Using a sophisticated algorithm, I’ve removed the original vocals from Frank’s songs, ensuring that the way you hear them, is the way he performed them in concert.

I include stories from his era, jokes he liked to tell, Rat Pack stories, along with the music so that you can learn the details about the music and about the world’s greatest singer, Frank Sinatra.

The entire show lasts an hour and a half and consists of about 25 songs, and is a self-contained, Vegas style show.

If you know of a venue, a bar, or restaurant, or adult nursing facility in the Lancaster, Hershey, or Palmyra area that would like me to perform, please contact me via the Contact page of this website.